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Understanding Your Car Insurance

By February 1, 2018Personal Insurance

From your gender to your location, various factors influence how much you pay for car insurance. Here’s a look at the details that determine your rate along with what you can do to decrease your yearly costs.

Gender and Age
Women and older drivers have statistics to thank for their lower insurance rates. On the whole, men are involved in more severe accidents and incur more DUI charges than female drivers, making them more expensive to insure. Drivers under the age of 25 can also expect to pay higher premiums simply based on data.

Driving and Credit History
The better your driving record, the better your rates tend to be, while traffic violations and accidents can quickly hike up the price you pay per month. Residents in most states can also save money on their car insurance if they have better than average credit, as many insurers use credit-based insurance scores to determine rates.

Vehicle Type 
The age and size of your vehicle also trigger different price points. For example, newer luxury vehicles may incur a higher rate because these tend to be stolen more often. Larger cars are generally considered safer and could bring the price down, but cars with relatively large engines (sports cars, for example) could push premiums higher.

The population density of your city can markedly impact your car insurance premium. People in rural areas usually see lower rates while drivers in busy urban areas see higher ones due to the increased chance of having a collision or experiencing a break-in.

When it comes to your auto insurance, some factors that influence costs are well within your control. Others, unfortunately, are not. Either way, it doesn’t hurt to look into available discounts or bundle options that could lower your monthly rate.